opencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editing


opencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editing


opencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editingopencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editingopencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editingopencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editingopencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editingopencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editing

With the Mass Product Editing extension you can increase your workflow by batch editing products with 22 custom actions.

Features include:
- Activate
- De-Active
- Attach products to a category
- Detach products from a category
- Attach products to a filter
- Detach products from a filter
- Attach products to a filter
- Detach products from a filter
- Attach products to a manufacturer
- Detach products from a manufacturer
- Attach products to a category and activate
- Detach products from a category and De-Activate
- Set new product prices
- Add specific amount to product prices
- Subtract specific amount from product prices
- Add percentage to product prices
- Subtract percentage from product prices
- Set new stock quantity
- Add to current quantity
- Subtract from current quantity
- Create Specials with a fixed price
- Create Specials by subtracting a percentage from regular price
- Create Specials by subtracting a set amount from regular price
- Remove Specials

Feature requestswelcomed:
- If you need a specific batch editing action let us know!

General info:
- Doesn't override core file
- Requires vQmod (only for Opencart 1.5.*)

Support & Feature Requests:
For questions, support or feature requests please email us at software [at] destomedia [dot] com

v.4.0.0 - 28-08-2017 (OPENCART 3 ONLY)
- Opencart 3.* compatibility.
v.3.2.0 - 30-10-2016 (OPENCART 2 ONLY)
- Opencart 2.3.* compatibility.

v.3.0.2 - 20-10-2016 (OPENCART 2 ONLY)
- Small bug fix for model loading

v.3.0.1 - 07-06-2016 (OPENCART 2 ONLY)
- Small bug fixes

v.3.0.0 - 20-05-2016 (OPENCART 2 ONLY)
- Introducing 3 new mass special price editing functions; 
You can set specials for multiple products, including choosing the customer groups and setting a start and end date. 
- You can set a fixed price special (I.E. all selected product will go on sale for 25.00)
- You can set a percentage discount based on regular price (I.E. all selected products will get a 10% discount).
- You can also mass remove special specials.
- Better error feedback.
- Created separate model file.

v.2.5.1 - 29-07-2015
- Small bug fixes
- Fixed auto installer

v.2.5.0 - 29/12/2014
- Added Price modifiers (set new price, add/subtract fixed amount from price, add/subtract percentage from price.
- Added stock Quantity modifiers (set new stock quantity, add/subtract from quantity)

v.2.0.0 - 23/12/2014
- Initial Release Opencart 2.*




opencart产品批量编辑插件Mass Product Editing
(出处: 528站长之家)



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